A.K.A rollie-pollies, wood bugs, armadillo bugs, carpenter bugs, woodlice, wood bugs, doodlebugs, slaters, to name a few! As a child growing up on a farm, I loved playing with pill bugs...

Raised Garden Beds – What Are the Advantages? If your gardening experience could be easier, take less time, demand less effort and be kinder to your back, would you be more motivated to start...

Product Name: Worm Castings Find the latest price on Amazon Introduction The miraculous little creatures known as earthworms create one of the very best nutrient and bacteria-rich composts...

Product Name: Jora Compost Tumbler JK125, JK270 and JK400. I performed extensive research looking for “my perfect composter!” I have found the most efficient composter, and one that does not release toxic...

Why Do We Need Organically Enriched, Nutrient Fortified, Life Sustaining Soil? The soil is the foundation of our health. Plants and what they produce are among a large portion of the food we eat, and they receive what they...

Giving Back to the Earth by Composting and Enriching the Soil. Composting is nature’s way of recycling. The Earth provides for us and in turn, we must replenish with what is needed to recreate the gifts originally given!...

What Are You Doing to Prepare for the Unexpected? The time to learn and prepare to grow your own food is before you need to grow it. If a situation arises that prevents you from purchasing the food you need from...

Product Name: Azomite. This product adds the necessary trace elements your soil may be missing. It is a proven solution. I've added this product to my garden soil with remarkable results. Trace minerals are needed in small amounts in the soil but are huge contributors to a thriving garden. Some trace minerals may be missing from your ...