Hi! I'm Linda Rose
Nature Lover and Landscape Designer – Advocate for Self-Sustainability, Health and Wellness, and Giving Back to the Earth. Join Me on My Journey Engaging With Nature

Welcome to my site! I am a landscape contractor and landscape designer with a huge passion for coloring the world with nature’s palette and filling tables with truly delicious and nutritious foods. Have you ever had a homegrown tomato and compared it to a store-bought tomato?
There is no comparison to the rich flavor of the homegrown. I invite you to join me on a journey to better taste, better nutrition, and better peace of mind as together we engage with nature.
As a Child, Nature Was My Best Friend
Growing up on a farm, I learned to love, respect, and immensely enjoy nature and all of her gifts to the world. As a child, I loved to run through the fields of wild flowers filling my senses with visual pleasure, memorable fragrances that today bring me home to the coolness I felt on my feet as I waded through the streams, the songs of the birds that always lifted my spirits, and the taste of the unmatchable flavor-rich foods that grew in our garden each spring.
One of nature’s greatest gifts is the garden, the farm fresh, delectable, flavor-rich foods that donned our table each day. Grown in nutrient rich soil, our food was always an anticipated delight three times a day!
I was raised by my grandparents with old school standards who were self-sustainable due to the rich earth we gardened each spring and summer and continued to enrich each season. In addition, there was a well that provided clean drinking water, a cool spring that bubbled in the field, animals that provided organic milk, eggs, and fertilizer for our garden and a creek that ran through the farm providing the needed water so our vegetables could thrive.
To add to the multitude of richness and pleasure, there were wild strawberries, blackberries, and dew berries that adorned our hillside and pleased the palate with a delicious snack anytime I wanted to climb the hill. We even had chinquapins! Ever heard of that one? Delicious!
Satisfaction of an Avid Gardener
A lot of pleasure can be gained by growing our own fruits, vegetables and berries. Not only is there satisfaction in the accomplishment of adding to our self-sustainability, but even greater rewards come in the richness of the flavors these nutrient-packed foods provide. After our table has been filled, there is usually enough to share with friends and neighbors.
In addition, in times of scarcity knowing how to grow your own food can provide a sense of security. Imagine if the delivery trucks could not get to your local grocery store, but you are an avid gardener. There would be a lot less to stress about if you are prepared with the supplies and knowledge necessary to start growing a garden.
Yes, it takes time for the seeds to germinate and the plants to grow to maturity to provide the necessary food for our table. The best way to prepare for this is to start gardening now! There’s a lot to learn, and it’s not difficult. Preserve your surplus if you live in an area where the cold winter months prevent you from gardening year-round. If you live in an area of temperate climate, then keep on gardening! It’s fun, satisfying, productive, a stress release activity, a good neighbor offering as you share your surplus, and with all these wonderful benefits, you still get delicious, nutritious food. It’s a complete win-win!
My Goal
I love the garden – fruits, vegetables, berries, flowers, trees, shrubs, insects, animals – any aspect of nature. The joy I find co-creating with nature is so satisfying, and I want to share this with any and everyone who has any interest in this pursuit. There are so many benefits to becoming in tune with nature and enjoying her abundance. To name a few – diminish scarcity, diminish hunger, increase health, decrease stress, enjoy beauty, fill your senses, enrich relationships, increase knowledge, become more self-sufficient, diminish having to rely on “the system” for sustenance and much, much more.
Obviously, we all cannot raise the animals, have a bubbling spring, a creek or even a well. But we can do so much more than we are doing even in the smallest space. Please join me on this mission to make the earth a little better one garden at a time. Give back to nature, and she will give back to you tenfold.
Please leave any questions or comments below. And if you want to experiences from your garden that can benefit others, please share. I’m excited to take this journey with each of you as a collective effort to give back, improve, and grow both within ourselves and in our communities.
To your success in nature!
Linda Rose