
Trace minerals are needed in small amounts in the soil but are huge contributors to a thriving garden. Some trace minerals may be missing for your soil, and Azomite is a great product to increase the trace mineral balance necessary for plant … Read more

Jora Tumbler Composter

I performed extensive research looking for “my perfect composter!”  I have found the most efficient composter, and one that does not release toxic chemicals into the compost. It’s an easy composter to use and is definitely my top choice – the one I feel confident in using, and I’m excited to  … Read more


Worm Castings

The miraculous little creatures known as earthworms create one of the very best nutrient and good bacteria-rich composts you can buy. Worms digest food particles and other organic matter in the soil along with a certain number off microbes. As they digest this “food,” they excrete what is called … Read more