Improving Your Health and Your Life Through Engaging With Nature

From the Beauty of the Outdoors
To the Harvest From Your Garden
There’s a purpose for nature in everyone’s life, and so often this purpose is not fulfilled due to the busyness of life. Computers, cell phones, iPads – the advancing devices of today have created in many lives a desire for over entertainment and under physical, emotional, and mental balance.
From growing delicious nutrient-packed food in your own backyard and getting your hands dirty to taking a walk in a forest breathing in the fresh morning air experiencing that moment of cleansing puts life in a different place – a good place – and with this balance you become recharged and ready to go back out into the world and make a difference!
Looking toward self-sustainability, how would it feel for you to grow an abundance of food even in small spaces, and reap the benefits of nature immersing in her beauty and glory in your own backyard?
I hope you join me on this journey to discover many ways to engage with nature and enjoy the abundant gifts she so freely gives to us all. Let’s blaze a trail of knowledge, skill development, motivation, and pleasure, as we grow in the ability to sustain ourselves, our families, and our neighbors in this ever changing and challenging world.